wellbeing and life prospects: Justifying the universal tax on
Neil Thin
A comprehensive and child-focused 'wellbeing' approach to schooling
is compared here with other approaches that emphasise poverty reduction,
human rights, or capabilities, and which fall short of recognising
the full range of wellbeing effects of school. Schooling is expected
to optimise prospects for good lives and good societies, not just
minimise ill-being and social injustice and fulfil the right to
education. A capability approach takes wellbeing much more seriously,
yet still falls short of recognizing the role of schools in facilitating
directly the happiness of pupils. It is imperative that affordable
and simple methods are developed to assess and analyse links between
schooling and children's wellbeing and life prospects. Expanding
on the WeD approach, a fourfold analytical framework is recommended
here for exploring this theme by looking at resources, motivations,
achievements, and meaning, plus minimizing avoidable harm.
Paper (pdf)